Time is Not The Only Thing I Lost

Time Is Not The Only Thing I Lost is a project that deals with intimacy and memories I created after the death of my grandfather in September 2021. I realized I could barely recall anything that happened in the summer of 2021 as I slowly lost track of time. The work contrasts the loss of family members, which reminds people of time passing, to the numbness that can occur recalling events in retrospect. My grandfather’s photo wall inspired the large-scale photographic print. He used to mount all images of my family members onto a large canvas on a wall in his living room. The arrangement of family members’ portraits is like a family tree. In order to visualize the concept, I took one photograph of a bouquet of flowers every time I wrote one entry in my diary. After the flowers died, I printed fifteen images of the flowers and mounted them onto a roll of drawing paper. The paper roll was scanned and printed to create a large-scale image with unique materiality. The second part of the project is a piece of fabric to hang beside the flower mural. The diary spanned the period from when I Facetimed my grandfather on his birthday to when I was about to finish the work and still carried the sadness of my grandfather's death. As a result, these two unique sculpture-like objects engage with each other to create a spatial conversation about time, life, and death.

Time is not the only thing I lost, 2022. 44*102, Inkjet print on photographic paper.

Diary Entry, 2022. 55*112, Film Festival Ticket, Pollen, Petal, Oil Color on Fabric.

Time is not the only thing I lost, 2022. 48*108, inkjet print on plywood structure.

Installation shot @ Image Factory, 2023.


Conversation Between Father and Son


Vanishing Point