Bring Ice Back To The Lake

Bring Ice Back To The Lake is a series of photographs from 2021. The project was

inspired by a visual metaphor that explored the idea of mapping., My intention in Bring Ice Back

To The Lake was to create a path from my home to a daily destination while attempting to avoid

being captured by surveillance cameras. I related this impossible attempt to a man dragging a

piece of ice on a hot summer day. The result would be nothing more than a line on the ground

made by the melting ice, which would soon disappear and leave no mark. This visual metaphor

symbolizes a confrontation between a futile undertaking and our social reality. The visual

starting point was from an image I took of a surveillance camera in a natural cave with a lake

where the reflection of the water played upon the surface of the cave wall. By manipulating the

image and the scene in the cave, I created a visual conversation between the ideas and reality

around surveillance and the futility of trying to avoid it. After many attempts and missteps, the

project ends abruptly, just like the attempt to bring ice to the lake, echoing the notion of silent



Conversation Between Father and Son